Please Donate to Foodbank Victoria

A record number of Victorian families have been plunged into food insecurity this year.

Following what has been a difficult year for many, ABC Radio is partnering with Foodbank Victoria to help to support our local community with ABC Victoria Gives.

All funds raised will go directly to Foodbank Victoria to help feed Victorians in need, providing food to more than 500 frontline charities across the state – from Mildura to Mallacoota.

For every $1 dollar they receive, they can provide two meals for someone in need. 

  • $35 can help fill hampers with pantry essentials, ensuring that Victorian children have enough to eat these holidays.
  • $60 can help cover the cost of the above, plus some festive extras that bring joy into children's lives, such as custard.
  • $120 can help ensure that whatever challenges the New Year may bring for vulnerable families, struggling to put food on the table won't be one of them.

With you by our side we have a plan. We are determined to work non-stop through this challenging time and give families across Victoria the shared family meal they deserve this festive season. 

Please give whatever you can afford today.

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So far we've raised ${{{bar.raised}}}, creating {{{round (divide bar.raised 0.50)}}} meals for people in need

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A record number of Victorian families have been plunged into food insecurity this year.

Following what has been a difficult year for many, ABC Radio Melbourne and Victoria needs your help to support our local community with ABC Victoria Gives supporting Foodbank Victoria.

All proceeds from the ABC Victoria Gives campaign will go towards Foodbank Victoria’s Healthy Food Purchase Program, to help feed Victorians in need.

Funds raised will be used to provide food to more than 500 frontline charities across Victoria, from Mildura to Mallacoota.

For every $1 dollar they receive, they can provide two meals for someone in need. 

  • $35 can help fill hampers with pantry essentials, ensuring that Victorian children have enough to eat. 
  • $60 can help cover the cost of the above, plus some festive extras that bring joy into children's lives, such as custard.
  • $120 can help ensure that whatever challenges the New Year may bring for vulnerable families, struggling to put food on the table won't be one of them.

With you by our side we have a plan. We are determined to work non-stop through this challenging time and give children like Amelyia, Izabella, Archie and Peyton the shared family Christmas meal they deserve this festive season. 

Please give whatever you can afford today.

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Give $25

The demand for food relief in Victoria right now is staggering. The economic fallout from the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on our community.

Give $50

Inside every Foodbank hamper are pantry essentials, like pasta and rice, as well as fresh fruit and veggies, and even a very special Christmas treat.

Give $75

With the generosity and compassion of people like you, children like Archie right across Victoria will go to bed happy, not hungry, this Christmas.

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