Please Donate to Foodbank Victoria

There's a cost of loving crisis and it's hurting ALL of us.

It's the pain we feel when someone we know, someone we love, is struggling to get by.

Mums and dads pretending to have dinner 'after lights out' so their kids can eat. Students fainting from hunger and Nana having biscuits for every single meal. Or nothing at all.

You can't put numbers around this crisis, but you can put your arms around people - and that's what we do. Every day.

$35 will help a mum put meals on the table, all week for the whole family.

$60 will help mums and dads pack the kids full, healthy lunchboxes all month.

$120 will help stock a family pantry with all the staples needed for home-made meals.

We're feeding 50,000 people every day right now, and we know these numbers will continue to rise as the weather gets chilly, and families are forced to choose between heat and food, rent and food, or mortgages and food.

Thanks for wrapping your arms around families this winter so they can all enjoy fresh, healthy food together!









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There's a cost of loving crisis and it's hurting ALL of us.

It's the pain we feel when someone we know, someone we love, is struggling to get by.

Mums and dads pretending to have dinner 'after lights out' so their kids can eat. Students fainting from hunger and Nana having biscuits for every single meal. Or nothing at all.

You can't put numbers on this crisis, but you can put your arms around people - and that's what we do. Every day.

$35 will help a mum put meals on the table, all week for the whole family.

$60 will help mums and dads pack the kids full, healthy lunchboxes all month.

$120 will help stock a family pantry with all the staples needed for home-made meals.

We're feeding 50,000 people every day right now, and we know these numbers will continue to rise as the weather gets chilly, and families are forced to choose between heat and food, rent and food, or mortgages and food.

Thanks for wrapping your arms around families this winter so they can all enjoy fresh, healthy food together!

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Give $25

$35 will help a mum put meals on the table all week for the whole family.

Give $50

$60 will help mums and dads pack the kids full, healthy lunchboxes all month.

Give $75

$120 will help stock a family pantry with staples for home-made meals.​​​​​​​

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